A recent survey conducted Internet security firm discovered the global email volumehas decreased. And usually, in a single day there are about 67 billion spammessages. The decline came after the long holiday period of Christmas and the end of the year ends.
Such information is referred to internet security firm Symantec and Netwitnes.Unfortunately, no mention certain magnitude of the decline.
As quoted by the BBC on Wednesday (01/12/2011), Symantec and Netwitnes detectRustock botnet, a network of infected computers on a massive scale 'stirring' billions of spam emails per day, mysteriously stop the action in early December.
"As we can say, they usually take advantage of the holiday. The people who runRustock are those who run the business, so maybe they need time off too," said AlexCox of Netwitnes.
Rustock botnet is believed to be responsible for more than a quarter of junk mail thatis sent to the entire world.
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